Life Changing "Money Hacks" Event


The Expert Knowledge You Need To Manage Your Money Can Change Your Life

We Only Have A Limited Number Of Seats For This Event.

The Plan Was To Charge Everyone $497,


We Decided To Charge Only $147 To Our Students And Friends!

Live Attendees Will Be Served a boxed Lunch

Click The Link Below And Register Right Now!

Agenda and Format

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  • Our Speakers Will Take You Through A Journey Of Financial Literacy And Teach The Financial Literacy Mindset

  • Our Expert Knowledge Empowers You, To Use Expertise And Knowledge To Make The Right Decisions For Your Money, Your Investments And Your Future

  • You Will Use The Information In This Seminar To Better Your Life In Ways You Can Only Imagine

  • Health, Wealth, And A Proper Mindset Are The Keys To A Happier, More Financially Secure Lifestyle And We Have The Secrets!

Speaker, Host, MC
Larry Steinhouse

As A Long-Term Investor, Larry Knows His Stuff!  As A Business Coach,
Larry Has Helped People To Learn New Ways Of Making
Any Business More Portable. His Marketing Skills Are Top Notch, Both On And Off Line.
Have You Seen Him Before? If Not, You Will Soon!

As the Founder of Investor Schooling, Larry Teaches Students How To Make Real Money And Build Real Wealth.

He Has Helped His Students Through Every Step Of The Process Of Searching For, Buying, Rehabbing
And Then Renting Or Selling Real Estate And He Also Teaches, How To Invest In Stock Options.

Meet the Speakers

Jose Garcia Herrera

The Trailer park king

💼 **Your Path to Financial Success Awaits with Mobile Home Investing!** 🏡✨

Eight years ago, I made a life-changing decision to leave the corporate world behind and dive headfirst into mobile home investing. Fast forward to today, and I’m living proof that achieving financial success and building generational wealth in this niche is not just a dream—it’s my reality. 🌟

This incredible journey has equipped me with invaluable insights into the mobile home industry, and now, I’m here to guide you down the same path of success. Whether you’re seeking to supplement your income or chase the dream of financial independence, mobile home investing opens the door to endless possibilities.

Hannah Kesler

The Money multiplier

Many people are drawn to the idea of “becoming your own banker” with an Infinite Banking Policy, but not all are familiar with the many advantages and benefits of doing so. What does it really mean to become your own banker? How is this a benefit to you?

Let’s dive into some of the most significant advantages of using the Infinite Banking system and what that means for you.

Larry Steinhouse

Larry Specializes in buying properties with little or none of his own money.  His favorite method is buying house “Subject to” the original mortgage.  A close second is seller financing and then comes private lenders.  Larry has bought houses using credit cards as well. As a long-term investor in this business Larry knows his stuff!

Teaching students how to make real money and build real wealth has been a passion of Larry’s for many years. He has helped his students through every step of the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing and then renting or selling the property.

Teaching students how to make real money and build real wealth has been a passion of Larry’s for many years. He has helped his students through every step of the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing and then renting or selling the property.

Timothy Fizer

Timothy Fizer is a stalwart advocate for financial empowerment and the brilliant mind behind Grassroots REI, a pioneering investment initiative born out of the necessity to provide professionals a lucrative avenue in real estate investment beyond their local realms. His innovative approach, deeply rooted in the philosophy “You don’t need to invest where you live,” has revolutionized the traditional paths to real estate investment, making it an accessible venture for both novices and seasoned professionals alike.

Joel Kraut

Operating as a real estate investor from the late 1990’s to 2014, Joel Kraut managed to purchase, renovate, and sell more than 100 houses in the Tri-State area, including the Philadelphia markets of Northern Liberties, Fishtown, Point Breeze, Newbold, etc. As an active investor, Joel Kraut scaled his portfolio to include 144 buildings home to over 1,000 tenants – nearly all of which were acquired within a three year span. Unlike most investors, Joel self-managed his entire portfolio, an experience that now informs much of the internal valuation methodology employed by BrrrrLoans. Throughout the early 2000’s, Joel Kraut built 185 single-family “McMansions” and 61 townhouses throughout the Tri-State area while serving as a partner in a mid-size, New Jersey based general contracting and remodeling company. Given his comprehensive background in completing extensive renovation and construction projects covering everything from fire restoration and vanilla home extensions to ground up construction of vertical condominium buildings and multi-millions dollar homes, Joel Kraut’s track record affords BrrrrLoans the ability to continuously improve its business model and practices by concurrently drawing upon the perspective of a borrower, contractor, and fund manager.

Here’s What To Expect

If you’ve never attended one of our events before you’ve never experienced the power of our masterminds. 

This is your chance to pick the brains of our speakers and mentors who have already “been there, done that!” and let them help guide you through the lessons they’ve learned when they were where you are right now.

Just 5 minutes with one of our mentors could shave years of “figuring it out” on your own. Many of our experts charge 1000s to get time with them and have them guide you through the pitfalls you may be going through right now. 

During this event, they are here for you and will be giving you the same “Do It Like This” advice that they give their top clients.

A good mastermind is like adding rocket fuel to the fire and many of our attendees have said that they got more value in 30 minutes during our mastermind than they’ve received at full 3 day events in the past by other event hosts.